In this StockCharts TV video, Mary Ellen highlights what drove last week’s sharp rally in the markets – posting their largest weekly gains for the year! She takes a close look at retail and cybersecurity stocks setting up for gains, and shares some of the best ways to participate. This video originally premiered August 19, 2024. You can watch it on our ...

Today Carl and Erin discuss the potential of a housing crash as more evidence is coming in that many haven’t thought of. Private Equity firms have become very involved in the housing market, buying up properties on high amounts of leverage. What happens when it’s time to refinance? The market has reversed its prior bear market trend and so it ...

In today’s digital age, billions of pieces of content are uploaded to online platforms and websites each day. Moderating this material has, therefore, never been more critical or challenging. While most of this uploaded content may be positive, we are also seeing a growing volume of harmful and illegal materials – from violence and self-harm to extremist rhetoric, sexually explicit ...

Jeffrey Miron Politicians on both sides of the aisle, and much popular opinion, believe the government should subsidize having children. The latest such salvos come from Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris; both recently endorsed major hikes in the child tax credit (CTC). Recent Cato blogs by Adam Michel, Vanessa Calder, and Ryan Bourne explain in detail ...

Software development projects can be complex, involving multiple stakeholders, technical hurdles, and evolving requirements. Managing these projects on time and within budget requires strategic planning, discipline, and effective execution. This article explores best practices and actionable strategies to help you keep your software development project on track while controlling costs. 1. Start with Clear Requirements The foundation of any successful ...

In the rapidly evolving landscape of manufacturing, technological advancements are reshaping internal logistics. Industrial robot manufacturers are at the forefront of this transformation, driving efficiency and innovation. Mobile robots, particularly those like MiR, are revolutionizing transportation within factories. Technological advancements in internal logistics have become a cornerstone for modern manufacturers. With the integration of mobile robots and sophisticated automation systems, ...

Jennifer Huddleston While Congress debates what, if any, actions are needed around artificial intelligence (AI), many states have passed or considered their own legislation. This did not start in 2024, but it certainly accelerated, with at least 40 states considering AI legislation. Such a trend is not unique to AI, but certain actions at a state level could be particularly ...

Good morning and welcome to this week’s Flight Path. Equities continue their path out of the “NoGo” correction. This week we saw amber “Go Fish” bars over the second half of the week. GoNoGo Trend shows that the trend in treasury bond prices saw strength with strong blue bars. U.S. Commodities index remained in the “NoGo” trend but continue to show weakness. The dollar ...

Colleen Hroncich As someone who isn’t fond of cooking, I’ve always hoped one of my kids would get bit by the culinary bug. Though some of them had phases where they enjoyed cooking, it never seemed to last very long. But maybe their interest would have been more consistent if they’d had access to something like Project Flourish in South ...

Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed joint responsibility Monday for a bombing the day before in Tel Aviv that killed the apparent attacker and wounded a bystander and that Israeli officials confirmed was a terrorist attack. The bomb appeared to go off before it was intended, and the presumed attacker was shown in security footage walking down the street wearing a ...